If you haven’t received your order or if it seems to be missing, follow these steps:
Check the Tracking Information:
- Visit the “My Orders” section in your WooCommerce account to view the order details.
- If tracking information is available, check the carrier’s website for updates.
Verify the Shipping Address:
- Confirm the shipping address you provided during checkout to ensure there are no errors or mistakes.
Wait for Additional Time:
- Occasionally, there may be delivery delays. Wait an extra 1-2 business days before contacting customer support.
Contact Customer Support:
- If the tracking shows that the order is delivered but you still don’t have it, or if the tracking information is missing, reach out to our support team.
- Provide your order number and any tracking details you have so that we can assist in locating your missing package.
Carrier Claims:
- If your order was lost during shipping, we may open a claim with the carrier to investigate further and ensure you receive your package or a replacement.